Bootcamp: Day 1


Today was the start of my Web Developer Bootcamp at I’m really happy with my decision so far! I think this is going to be a great experience!

As expected, it starts out with the basics. Here are some of the things I did today:

  • Learned how to use
  • Installed Sublime text editor and learned how to: access the command palette, use the tab completion feature, setup a folder structure in the side panel, install Sublime packages, use the multi-edit feature, and some other handy keyboard shortcuts.
  • Review of basic HTML and CSS.
  • On my own, and unrelated to the class, I took a break and learned how to create a triangle using CSS. At first I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I couldn’t figure out how the triangle was formed by making the adjacent sides transparent. Then I found an animated gif that showed how the borders meet an angle. Then it all made sense. Pretty cool stuff!
  • Then I went back to my class and learned more about the Sublime editor, which lead me to these helpful pages:
  • I’ve been including some links with each entry, so on-top of the two above here is an interesting article I read today about creating standards within the coding bootcamp communities.

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